Tuesday 5 February 2013

Finished Studio Ident - Tesseract Studios

Me and my partner Connor have finally decided on how our studio idnet will look and how it will be animated. I have put a small video on top of this text which is what our ident will look like at the beginning of the film when we eventually finish all of the filming and produce the film. The text that we have used was used in the original game of Metal gear Solid because we think that this fits in well with the look of the Tesseract. Our original idea was to have the text appear side on underneath the picture of the Tesseract but we were unable to find the right animation in the application LiveType that we were using. So we had to settle for the next animation that caught our eye and it just happened to be this one.                                                                        

Sunday 3 February 2013

Movie Preview - Waking Up

Now we have done our day one and two of filming but since some of the day one shots aren't really that good, we have decided to only make a short preview of the kind of film that we are going to make. Now the preview is on my partner Connor's Youtube channel which I will put a link under as well in case you wish to preview any of the other movies we have made. Now we had to eliminate all of the shots that we considered to be bad and on the first day, I would say about half of them were good and some were bad. Although I don't think that we will be releasing the day one footage until the entire film is finished.(It just adds to the suspense) Now the video below shows our main actor, Tomas waking up from a slumber in Nathaniel's clothes (his split personality) and with blood on his hands. So confused and bewildered he immediately decides to rush to the bathroom and clean his hands but as he looks up in the mirror something strange happens.