Friday 9 November 2012

The Birds

The Birds is a horror/suspense film which has been filmed by the great mind of Alfred Hitchcock. The cast includes Tippi Hedren, Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Plashette and Veronica Cartwright. The basic story outline is that Mitch (Rod) arrives to a pet sore to get some Lovebirds for his sister's eleventh birthday where he meets socialite Melanie Daniels (Tippi). After knowing about her infamous reputation around town, he tricks her into trying to convince her to buy Lovebirds. He then tells her that he knows she doesn't work her and he leaves without the Lovebirds, she then decides to get the Lovebirds and personally deliver them to him as a way to get back at him. After she arrives into Bodega Bay where Mitch lives, she shortly gets attacked by a seagull. The beginning of the end maybe? This then leads to a series of mass bird attack which leave Bodega Bay in mayhem. Will Melanie Daniels and Mitch be able to come out of this trouble? Well you're gonna have to watch it for yourself.
Alfred Hitchcock has many ingenious devices that he uses in his film, one that he especially uses is the MacGuffin. This MacGuffin is cleverly used throughout the film and is use effectively at the end, in this sense the MacGuffin is the Lovebirds. The birds have been in the film throughout and at the end we begin to realise that they have absolutely nothing to do with the storyline. This technique is nicely used by Alfred Hitchcock which he has used in a number of him countless movies such as North by Northwest, Brighton Rock, Marnie etc. I think that Alfred Hitchcock end the film a very different and unexpected way than you would see in most films today. He ended the film with just the car driving away in the distance with all of the birds still left in the frame. I believe that this was cleverly used because it means that the threat that the birds might still attack is left open. But I think that everyone who has watched the film really thinks that there should have been a complete ending because you will never see Melanie get healed or taken care of and you wonder if they will ever escape the threat of the birds.
Also, it was said in Tippi Hedren's autobiography that during the filming of the birds, at the scene where she went up the stairs to the attic, Alfred Hitchcock didn't tell her that she was going to get actual birds thrown at her. Apparently, one of the scratches of blood that was seen on her was actually real! This lead her to have years of psychological therapy just to get over her fear of birds. Another thing that is specifically weird about Alfred Hitchcock is that he likes to make people have phobias after they watch the films. I can explain this further because in Psycho, we gain a slight phobia in showers because it shows just how vulnerable we are in those kind of situations while in The Birds, it is an attack against nature which was very unexpected back in the olden days and this changed the way that films were produced, which lead to films such as Snakes on a Plane.
Overall, this is a very good film if you like a quick ending. But be wary, this film isn't for the faint hearted!

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