Friday 29 March 2013

Waking Up - Completed Film

This is the completed version of our 'Waking Up' movie. After the main editing was completed, we only had to add a few more parts such as the credits.

Thursday 28 March 2013

SpicyNodes: Evaluation - Question 7

SpicyNodes: Evaluation

This is the overall of the comparison between my most recent film and my preliminary task. It also includes the good and bad points which I think have improved since I have made the more recent film. In the link above I have used a website called SpicyNodes. In the link I have explained that I have learned a lot more about angles etc from experience and I have used them in the clip that I have recently created. In my preliminary task I lacked experience about how to use the software, s there were some parts of the preliminary task which had a low quality. Parts such as sound and lighting weren't being thought about when we were editing all of the software.

Question 6 - Evaluation

The link above shows that I have used timetoast to show the process in which it has taken me to get to the point that I am up to now. I have learned how to use hardware such as the camera, tripod and mic by recording our films through experience in using them. As well as the hardware I have become more experienced using software such as FinalCut and LiveType when we were making our most recent film. We used FinalCut to edit the film that we were making to the standard that it is currently at, while we used LiveType to make out studio ident so that we could add it at the beginning of our film. When we were recording there were several factors that had to be taken into consideration. One of them was the fact of where we had to place the camera in order for us to get the shot and angle right while we were filming. The running scenes were a lot easier to shoot while there were other scenes such as inside where we had to place the camera in a specific place so that we could get all of the bits that we needed such as the lighting and sound. The software that we used to edit the footage that we had filmed was FinalCut. In order for us to be able to be able to edit all of the footage, we needed to have had a basic understanding  of the software so that we could edit the footage successfully.

Question 5 - Evaluation

As you can see from the print screens below, I have used to website Survey Monkey to get results about what should in of our film. This then would help us to figure out what makes the most successful thriller films. So to hold the audiences attention from the very beginning of the film, we had to include an action packed beginning. After looking at the results from the survey that we asked the public to fill in, we saw that if the beginning of the film was interesting for them to look at then they will be likely to stay and watch the rest of the film. Although there were some people who said that they wouldn't mind if the beginning wasn't action packed because they think that the rest of the film will become a lot more interesting.
We think that people should continue watching our film because it has got a lot of mystery in it which I think is a good technique because it makes the audience want to know what is going on. In our film we have flashbacks that end in cliffhangers as if to say "What will happen next?" or "Will he survive?" This technique was used brilliantly by Alfred Hitchcock which he called the MacGuffin. Where the audience was never really interested in the item that the hero's were looking for but that fact if the hero was going to survive the mission. This is why they should watch our film because it is full of action from beginning to end and makes the audience want to figure out what has been going on with Jonathan Sinclair. In the audience feedback that we got from surveymonkey a lot of people said that they preferred action thrillers than any other while there were a select few that said they like psychological, mystery and crime thriller which goes to show that they majority like thrillers that are generally filled with a lot of action while there are the select few that like the other kinds of thrillers.

Question 4 -Evaluation

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The age that I think would be the most attracted to my film would be from teenagers to around middle ages people. I don't think that this will be that attracted to older audiences because they will probably like films that are more soft, calm; films like Rom coms. Now I think this would be a good film for audiences such as teenagers and adults because they are the ages that are most likely to be into films that have a more psychological and action sense to it as you can see from the print screen.
I believe that our film will attract both male and female viewers because there is no clear indication in the film that it is for one gender. Although it might be that males prefer  more action packed film but there is no clear evidence to support that.
I think that it is more lower class that will probably want to view this film because it is mainly aimed at people who are more lower class. For example, the movie In Time with Justin Timberlake, the lower class would probably relate because the movie is about the poor/lower class who are trying to make their way to the higher class but they cannot because they are constantly being taxed and are forced to stay in the 'Ghetto'. This is the similar to our film because we have the average guy Jonathan who is being chased down and he obviously is rich/higher class.

Question 3 - Evaluation

This is the link to the presentation that I have made showing where I believe that our film will be distributed. I believe that it will be a lot more likely that our film will be picked up by an independent film studio rather than a major because it doesn't have any major actors in it like Angelina Jolie or Sandra Bullock so it is very unlikely. Though it has much more luck being seen on the internet or on TV because there are plenty of people who are on the internet or watch TV everyday. Also since we believe that we will most probably be picked up by an Indie company, I think that we wont be able to get that much news spread about the film unless we use guerrilla tactics like in the distribution of 'Shifty', who used social media such as pirate radio stations, business cards and spamming email. Whenever movies are made by Indie companies, although they wont get as much budget as the six major studios; any profit is seen as a success.

Question 2 - Evaluation

This is the link to the popplet brainstorm that I have made for my evaluation question 2. I have explained in a brainstorm that I have seen particular social groups in my film. I have had to explain all of the concepts that are in my film such as the stereotypes that can be seen in the film etc. In my film however, I do not believe that there are any stereotypes to gender, ethnicity etc. The characters that are in the film are all portrayed in different ways. Jonathan is seen as weak because of all of the running scenes that he is in as well as the fact that he is entirely innocent in this particular situation. The policemen however can be seen as hard headed because instead of reasoning with Jonathan and listening to his plight, they begin chasing him down to try and bring him back to the asylum that he has escaped from. Lastly, we have the girlfriend in the clip who is seen as angered at Jonathan because she sees him as Nathaniel (his split personality) although again, Jonathan is confused as to who she is and how she knows him.

Question 1 - Evaluation

There are many typical thriller conventions that are included in our film. The first and I believe to be the most obvious convention is fast paced action. Thriller films would definitely not be called Thrillers if hey didn't have any action in them. This can include car chases, fight scenes and even normal chase scenes. In our film, we have definitely shown fast paced action from the very first scene. The film opens with Jonathan Sinclair (main character)running from three policemen. While this scene is going on, we obviously want to show the audience that this is a fast scene so we have edited the shots to be quick and fast as if it were a real movie. For example, in Bourne Legacy, while he is being chased by the enemies, the cuts between the shots are generally quick and normally do not last for longer than 5 seconds.
Another element and convention that is apparent in our film is a chase scene. Throughout at least the first 30 of our film, we experience Jonathan running from the police. Now since chase scenes are often linked with fast paced action, we had to edit the first few seconds really fast to ensure to the audience that they understood a chase scene was taking place. For example, in the film League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, there is a rapid chase scene in a car when they are trying to defuse a bomb and during this scene, there were a lot of POV (Point of View), shot reverse shot and match on action shots so that the audience could see exactly what the heroes were looking at.
Though very briefly included in our film, we have added another typical convention; a love interest. in our clip, while Jonathan is running he begins have flashbacks of his last few days. This is when he begins thinking about the time he was first confronted from Nathaniel's (Split personality) girlfriend . While the girlfriend is shouting at him for being with another girl, Jonathan is wildly confused thinking that he has no idea who this person is. This segment of the film doesn't long but I believe that this should be involved in the evaluation since it is still a typical thriller convention.