Thursday 28 March 2013

Question 1 - Evaluation

There are many typical thriller conventions that are included in our film. The first and I believe to be the most obvious convention is fast paced action. Thriller films would definitely not be called Thrillers if hey didn't have any action in them. This can include car chases, fight scenes and even normal chase scenes. In our film, we have definitely shown fast paced action from the very first scene. The film opens with Jonathan Sinclair (main character)running from three policemen. While this scene is going on, we obviously want to show the audience that this is a fast scene so we have edited the shots to be quick and fast as if it were a real movie. For example, in Bourne Legacy, while he is being chased by the enemies, the cuts between the shots are generally quick and normally do not last for longer than 5 seconds.
Another element and convention that is apparent in our film is a chase scene. Throughout at least the first 30 of our film, we experience Jonathan running from the police. Now since chase scenes are often linked with fast paced action, we had to edit the first few seconds really fast to ensure to the audience that they understood a chase scene was taking place. For example, in the film League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, there is a rapid chase scene in a car when they are trying to defuse a bomb and during this scene, there were a lot of POV (Point of View), shot reverse shot and match on action shots so that the audience could see exactly what the heroes were looking at.
Though very briefly included in our film, we have added another typical convention; a love interest. in our clip, while Jonathan is running he begins have flashbacks of his last few days. This is when he begins thinking about the time he was first confronted from Nathaniel's (Split personality) girlfriend . While the girlfriend is shouting at him for being with another girl, Jonathan is wildly confused thinking that he has no idea who this person is. This segment of the film doesn't long but I believe that this should be involved in the evaluation since it is still a typical thriller convention.

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