Thursday 20 September 2012

Coursework Brief

Coursework Brief

I have been given a brief that i need to read that will outline what task i need to do. The site that i need to go to the get the brief is the Robert Clack Media and Film Studies Blog. The address for the website is:

I have been asked to make a title and opening sequence for a thriller type genre film. I have been given an example of a Thriller Film that was called North By Northwest. The Thriller genre can be seen as a movie which has action scenes, such as car chases, fights and brawls etc. The aim of a Thriller is to excite the audience. We have been restricted to having a maximum of 4 people per group to make sure that the teams aren't overcrowded or that there is enough work so that everyone in the group has something to do. The film that we are going to produce is going to be worth 60% of our total mark, while the blog that I am currently working on is worth 40%. Although the film has the most marks, both are equally important for me to achieve the top marks that I can get. Also the Foundation Portfolio is worth 50% of the overall AS level.

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