Thursday 20 September 2012


Mise-en-scene is seen as a Macro Element. It is also a lot of elements that can make up a a film. They are:


The words shown above are all of the things that make up mise-en-scene. Props are many things such as clothing, cars, weapons etc. These can be things that the characters use or wear during the film. Sometimes even the smallest of props can make a big impact on the film and make it look even more realistic.
Film Set Lighting
Lights are one of the most important things that will be used on a movie set. If a director uses lighting in the correct way, they can create some truly amazing scenes. Like for instance, in a horror film, the director can shine a light behind a character to find their facial expressions which can give a real horrific look and adds to the effect. Another great example of the use of lighting is in Brighton Rock. Light is seen as a key element in the film because the main character Pinkie, is always seen to be in the darkness , while Rose the female character, is always seen in the light. This is a classic example of the excellent use of lighting.
There is 3 different types of lighting:

Key Light- This is usually the brightest and most influential.
Back Light- Helps counteract the effect of the key light, which makes the character/object look more 'rounded'.
Filler Light- Helps to soften the harsh shadows that the use of the key and back lights crate. But there may also be more than filler light.

A typical Rom Com scene
Locations are basically essential to any film that is created. The location has to be correct for the kind of scene that the director is trying to create. For instance, if there was to be a car chase scene, we expect that they will be driving on a very busy road or motorway and trying to duck and weave in between traffic in a busy city. This can also be used in films such as Rom Com's where the location will need to be romantic and calming for the viewers to that everything fits in together as one.

A Futuristic Costume
Finally, there is the costumes. These are also important because we don't expect a 19th Century character to be walking in the middle of New York City, so we will be expecting that the costumes will be right for the time that the film is set in. One example could be Total Recall (2012), the characters are in the future and all the outfits that are in the movie are very futuristic and advanced which is appropriate for the time that it is set in

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