Wednesday 30 January 2013

Filming Day One and Two

Today was out first day of filming and we have actually achieved quite a lot. We have been able to film all of the outside scenes but along some of the shots that you will see then we show the video on Youtube, the sun goes behind the clouds sometimes and then the video goes really dark. So we will probably will have to edit the look of the video when we edit it in FinalCut. When the video is uploaded I will add the Youtube video in my next post so that you can have a quick preview of what we will be filming in the next couple weeks. The first film day was at Eastbrookend Country Park where we said that we would be filming first. Although the Sun was out, it made the day warm and comfortable for filming but we didn't realise that it was raining the day before which meant that the ground would be slippery and muddy and then we eventually had a little accident but I'll tell you about that in a little bit.

As the picture that you can see above this is the first day of out filming where we were out at the park filming. As well as it being muddy, it was also terribly windy which massively effected our filming because the voices of the actors doesn't travel with the sound which means it doesn't get to the camera. Now the day was going pretty good and we managed to get a lot done even though we were kind of playing about sometimes. Now we did know that it was slippery and muddy when we got there, but we kind of forgot about it so as you can see in the picture belo; our main actor Tomas slipped while in the mud. Since we needed his perfectly white clean shirt for the filming day (of course continuity) we had to stop filming and continue this another day. SO we are now planning on filming the next Wednesday coming and hopefully we will be able to finish all of the filming so that all we have to do is edit and create our bloopers clip of all the fun moments that we had while filming. Also we might have to add another bit to the Risk Assessment because we didn't expect it to rain and that the surface would be slippery.

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