Tuesday 22 January 2013

Studio Idents

Idents are the identity of a company, it is usually shown at the beginning of a film so that the audience are aware of who made the film and is normally the first thing that the audience will see on the screen. It is usually backed up by powerful images which show the audience that they are are a well known and plan on becoming the best production company. There are 6 major production companies: MGM, Paramount, Universal, Walt Disney, Columbia, Warner Brothers. Each of these companies have their own individual ident which make them unique and they use strong images such as a lion, a mountain, the world etc. These are all strong images that tie in with the title of the company.

A company that is known for a lot of films in today's modern film industry is Warner Brothers. They are seen as the biggest contributor to the film industry after reaching their billion dollar income mark. The shield indicates that they are a strong company that can keep up with all of the other contenders and rivals in the movie industry. All of the pictures that are associated with studio idents in the backgrounds all seem to have a sky like theme. I think that this is because they want to show that they are above all of the other competitors in the business. All of movie idents have to be updated eventually so that it does not become outdated and forgotten by the clientele.


Universal is one of the most known idents that is in the film industry because of the catchy tune that is added while it is playing which in turn makes it a lot more memorable to the audience watching the movie. But also the symbol and name of Universal fir perfectly. This is because the name 'Universal' means planets stars and galaxies which then ties in with the image of the planet Earth which is their ident so it makes perfect sense. It wouldn't however make sense to make a company name such as 'Cheetahs' and to put a picture of a Rhino. It wouldn't fit. Which is why idents need to make sense to the audience.

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